Customer Story

Jason Godfrey, CEO
Technology used to be about standardization…but Odo enables customization at scale.

- Jason Godfrey, CEO

Better City
Economic Consulting
Better City is a full-service economic development consultancy that specializes in creating strategic plans and providing economic development services.

Can you tell us more about Better City?

Better City is a full-service economic development consultancy that specializes in creating strategic plans and providing economic development services. Having served over 50 clients across 22 states, Better City brings a multifaceted perspective to evaluating and implementing effective economic development strategies tailored to each community’s unique needs.

What challenges or pain points did you have before using Odo?

First, it was difficult to figure out how we should structure each proposal, because RFP instructions were often unclear and difficult to interpret. Second, we often struggled to customize our responses to each RFP because it took way too long to do it properly. Instead, we ended up copy-pasting a lot of the boilerplate language, which diminished the quality of our proposal.

How did Odo help address those problems?

Odo has done an amazing job identifying the requirements of each RFP and producing a highly customized draft that references key points in each RFP. Customization is a huge selling point, since our clients - smaller communities and rural towns - often face unique challenges and want to be heard and seen. Our boilerplate language would have gotten 80-90% of the way, but Odo adds the extra 10% that differentiates us from our competitors

I used to think that technology was all about standardization…but Odo enables customization at scale.

What other benefits did you get from using Odo?

I really love the Cover Letter Odo produces. The Cover Letter is a unique opportunity to showcase yourself as a company and demonstrate how well you understand the customer. I used to spend hours researching each city and town when drafting cover letters. Odo does a beautiful job understanding the challenges of each city and nails the messaging.

How do you plan on leveraging Odo in the future?

There’s no turning back! Using Odo actually spurred internal dialogue on how we might leverage LLM in other parts of our work. We see that LLM can not only make us efficient, but improve the quality of our work!

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