Customer Story

Rodney Little
Odo helps us punch above our weight class

- Rodney Little

Black Jack Productions
Web Development
Black Jack Productions is a full-service design and web development boutique established in 2012 in Colorado Springs, Colorado. With over 25 years of collective experience, the team specializes in user-centered design and crafting intuitive, accessible websites.

Can you tell us more about Black Jack Productions?

Black Jack Productions is a full-service design and web development boutique established in 2012 in Colorado Springs, Colorado. With over 25 years of collective experience, the team specializes in user-centered design and crafting intuitive, accessible websites.

What challenges or pain points did you have before using Odo?

It was challenging to understand what the actual requirements were when looking at an RFP. Some of these RFPs are super long - even hundreds of pages - and it’s a lot of effort to understand and customize a proposal for each RFP.

How did Odo help address those problems?

Odo makes us feel confident that we’re responding to all the requirements in the RFP. We were finalizing a proposal the other day, and I realized I was missing a few legal forms thanks to Odo. If it wasn’t for Odo, it would have been a scramble at the last minute to find and fill out these forms.

What other benefits did you get from using Odo?

Odo understands what we do, and the draft gets even more customized over time. I’ve tried out a couple different AI tools in the past but was always left disappointed, because their output was too generic. Odo is the opposite.

Another thing that I really like is how easy it is to collaborate on Odo. We usually partner with a few different companies on government contracts and it’s nice that they can easily join our proposals and finalize it together on the platform.

How do you plan on leveraging Odo in the future?

We’re now bidding on bigger, more complex projects because we are confident that we can submit a winning proposal and assemble the right team. Odo is helping us punch above our weight class!

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