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Workforce Development Board Strategic Leadership Training

$25,000.00 (includes travel, hotel, and expenses)
Kernersville, North Carolina

North Carolina Association of Workforce Development Boards

Buyer seeks a qualified facilitator to develop and deliver a two-day, in-person training on Workforce Development Board Strategic Leadership. The training will cover topics such as WIOA expectations, strategic thinking, board management, and workforce ecosystems. Buyer aims to enhance directors' understanding of strategic leadership and problem-solving skills. The training will be held in Kernersville, North Carolina, and recorded for future use.

  • 8/16/2024 - Release of RFP
  • 9/16/2024 - Proposal Due Date
  • 9/30/2024 - Final decision and notification
  • 12/2/2024 - Training Day 1
  • 12/3/2024 - Training Day 2
  • Experience facilitating similar training sessions
  • Positive references
  • Sound plan for stated scope of work
  • Understanding of strategic planning for WIOA and Workforce Development Boards
  • Develop and deliver two-day in-person training on Workforce Board Strategic Leadership
  • Cover WIOA expectations and Executive Director's role
  • Teach strategic leadership with limited resources
  • Guide development of Workforce Board vision and strategic plan
  • Provide tips for effective board utilization and meeting management
  • Explain Workforce Development Ecosystems and partner engagement
  • Discuss leveraging technology for workforce program delivery
  • Prepare training materials including outline and pre-work
  • Meet with EDC Training Committee to review training plans
  • Record training session for future use

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