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Curriculum / Program Marketing Consultant

Cookeville, Tennessee

Tennessee Technological University

The buyer seeks a consultant to provide data-informed academic program growth opportunities through market analysis and consultation services. The consultant will establish a market intelligence software platform, analyze current academic programs, and identify growth opportunities. The project includes delivering comprehensive reports, presentations, and a sustainability plan for ongoing support.

  • 8/30/2024 - Written Question/Comments Deadline
  • 9/5/2024 - Tennessee Tech Responds to Written Questions/Comments
  • 9/19/2024 - Proposal Due Date
  • 10/7/2024 - Technical Presentations by Proposers
  • 11/4/2024 - Contract Execution
  • Proven track record of working with accredited institutions of higher education
  • Not currently under contract for similar services with competing public postsecondary institution
  • Conduct market analysis relative to state, regional, and aspirational peers
  • Analyze current program offerings performance relative to market demand
  • Identify new academic program opportunities
  • Consult on curricular efficiency and academic program optimization
  • Establish market analysis software with real-time access to data
  • Provide robust and individualized training for software integration
  • Develop comprehensive report with findings, recommendations, and implementation plan
  • Deliver formal presentation to key leadership stakeholders

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