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Request for Information on Enhancing Coordination of the Lab Embedded Entrepreneurship Program


U.S. Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

The buyer seeks input on enhancing the Lab Embedded Entrepreneurship Program (LEEP) to increase its reach, impact, and efficiency. They aim to centralize some operations while maintaining local strengths. The buyer wants to support more entrepreneurs, improve diversity, and strengthen connections across the clean energy innovation ecosystem. This RFI will inform strategic decisions about LEEP's future structure and operations.

  • 9/19/2024 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
  • Provide input on centralizing LEEP operations
  • Suggest improvements to recruitment and outreach
  • Recommend enhancements to fellowship experience and programming
  • Advise on connections to regional ecosystems and across nodes
  • Propose changes to LEEP CRADAs and technical support
  • Offer open feedback on the future of LEEP
  • Suggest ways to increase diversity and inclusion in LEEP
  • Recommend strategies to expand LEEP to more national labs
  • Propose methods to improve operational efficiency
  • Advise on balancing centralization with local node autonomy

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