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2025 Comprehensive Plan Update
Post Falls, Idaho
City of Post Falls
The buyer is seeking a qualified urban planning consultant to update its Comprehensive Plan. The project aims to reevaluate goals, policies, and future land use map based on community input. The buyer wants to integrate findings from a Housing Needs Assessment and Fiscal Impact Analysis into the plan. The consultant will engage in public participation, revise current plans, and provide draft copies at agreed intervals.
- 9/20/2024 - Proposal Due Date
- 9/23/2024 - Proposal Review Begins
Refer to RFP
- Prepare and maintain a project schedule
- Assess the current built environment
- Create GIS maps as necessary
- Engage the community in a public participation program
- Revise current goals, policies, focus areas, and future land use map
- Reevaluate nodes and corridors identified in the current plan
- Integrate Future Land Use Map into established Focus Areas
- Incorporate Housing Needs Assessment and Fiscal Impact Analysis findings
- Provide draft copies of the plan at agreed intervals
- Coordinate with HNA and FIA consultants
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