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Advertising Agency Partnership for Minnesota State Fair

Saint Paul, Minnesota

Minnesota State Fair

Buyer is seeking to partner with dynamic and innovative Minnesota advertising agencies or individuals. The goal is to achieve strategic marketing objectives through creation and execution of annual advertising campaigns. Buyer aims to promote the Minnesota State Fair, a cherished end-of-summer tradition welcoming 1.8 million guests annually. The partnership will focus on building the well-established brand image and reaching diverse audiences effectively.

  • 9/27/2024 - Proposal Due Date
  • 10/15/2024 - RFP Participation Notification
  • 10/21/2024 - RFP Details Shared
  • 12/6/2024 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
  • Develop campaign strategy, concept, design, and planning
  • Create TV, radio, social media, and digital video ads
  • Design artwork and copy for static digital, out-of-home, and print advertising
  • Execute media buying and trafficking for all advertising channels
  • Conduct market research to inform campaign strategies
  • Generate joy and celebrate Minnesota through advertising messages
  • Reach new and returning fair guests with resonant messages
  • Reflect evolving community demographics in advertising campaigns
  • Strengthen connections and showcase the state's amazing features
  • Promote the State Fair as a destination for celebration and tradition

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