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Municipal Sewer Expansion Cost Study

Moultonborough, New Hampshire

Town of Moultonborough

Buyer seeks proposals for a comprehensive study on the feasibility and cost of expanding the municipal sewer system. The study aims to evaluate potential sewer extension routes, associated infrastructure, and economic implications. Buyer requires analysis of technical feasibility, cost estimates, operational frameworks, and community impact assessment. The project involves extending the sewer system from Center Harbor through Moultonborough's commercial area to the border of Tuftonboro.

  • 9/27/2024 - Proposal Due Date
  • 11/26/2024 - Final Report Submission
Refer to RFP
  • Evaluate technical feasibility of extending sewer system through commercial area
  • Consider environmental impacts and water quality protection
  • Estimate construction costs for trunk lines, pumping stations, and collection lines
  • Provide detailed breakdown of expenses including materials, labor, and equipment
  • Consider long-term maintenance costs
  • Propose operational frameworks for sustainable upkeep and administration
  • Analyze potential impact on existing residents, businesses, and future development
  • Identify challenges related to density, zoning, and land use
  • Recommend expansion to serve future growth and address capacity issues
  • Assess alternatives such as local community septic systems

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