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Pre-Qualified Panel for Sustainability Consultant Services

New York, NY

Hugh L. Carey Battery Park City Authority

Buyer seeks to establish a pre-qualified panel of sustainability consultants for as-needed services. The panel will provide expertise in landscape design and biodiversity, building decarbonization and energy analysis, and zero waste and materials management. Consultants may propose on one or multiple categories. The contract term is 36 months, and work assignments will be issued with specific MWBE and SDVOB goals.

  • 10/18/2024 - Date of Issue
  • 11/18/2024 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
  • Provide technical support and advisory services for sustainability initiatives
  • Offer programmatic support for environmental projects
  • Prepare and analyze feasibility studies and pilot studies
  • Design and analyze sustainability policies
  • Provide transactional and leasing support for sustainable projects
  • Prepare formal presentation materials for sustainability initiatives
  • Consult on landscape design and biodiversity projects
  • Advise on building decarbonization and energy analysis
  • Develop strategies for zero waste and materials management
  • Assist with MWBE and SDVOB goal assessments for work assignments

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