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Municipal Marketing Services
City of Linden
The buyer is seeking a qualified firm to provide municipal marketing services. The firm will develop and implement a marketing strategy to enhance the City's local, regional, national, and international visibility. The project involves creating a brand for Linden, developing marketing materials, and providing strategic marketing support for various City initiatives and events. The buyer aims to differentiate Linden from other suburban communities and establish a thriving downtown community.
- 12/3/2024 - Proposal Due Date
- 1/1/2025 - Contract Start Date
- 12/31/2025 - Contract End Date
- Minimum of five years experience in project management
- Minimum of five years association with City of Linden or other governmental entities
- Proven experience with branding campaigns
- Experience working with municipal/government entities
- Develop and implement a municipal marketing strategy
- Create a brand for Linden to differentiate it from other suburban communities
- Design and produce marketing materials across multiple communication mediums
- Provide strategic marketing support for special projects and City events
- Offer advice on citywide marketing strategies and improving brand awareness
- Deliver media training and consulting as requested
- Assist City entities and departments with approved marketing services
- Create vehicles to share ideas, knowledge, and success stories
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