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Mobile Appraisal Software Application
Detroit, Michigan
City of Detroit Office of Contracting and Procurement
Buyer seeks a mobile field application to assist with appraisal work for the Office of the Assessor. The application must be searchable by property address or parcel number and allow staff to access, verify, and edit property information from mobile devices. It must be compatible with the current CAMA system and have a web interface. The contract term is 3 years with two 1-year renewal options.
- 12/19/2024 - Posting Date
- 1/10/2025 - Questions Due
- 1/20/2025 - Proposal Due Date
- Minimum of 5 years of experience providing services requested in RFP for projects of similar scope and size
- Develop mobile field application for property appraisals
- Integrate with existing CAMA system
- Enable offline data entry capabilities
- Provide mapping features with GIS integration
- Implement automated data syncing with central database
- Create customizable field reports
- Develop assignment tracking and workflow management
- Enable photo and document storage
- Provide training and support
- Maintain audit trail of all entries and changes
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