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Construction Inspection for Road Reconstruction and Bridge Replacement
Danville, Indiana
Hendricks County
The buyer seeks proposals for construction inspection services for a road reconstruction project and bridge replacement. The project involves replacing Hendricks County Bridge 189 on S County Road 100 W over Mud Creek. The work includes environmental documentation, right of way planning, acquisition services, surveying, roadway and bridge design, and construction inspection. The project is funded 80% federal and 20% local, with a 3% DBE goal.
- 12/16/2024 - Posting Date
- 1/20/2025 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
- Perform construction inspection for road reconstruction
- Oversee replacement of Hendricks County Bridge 189
- Conduct environmental document preparation (CE)
- Develop right of way plans
- Provide project management for acquisition services
- Perform topographical survey data collection
- Complete non-complex roadway design
- Conduct Level 1 bridge design
- Perform title searches
- Conduct appraisals and appraisal reviews
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