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Drug & Alcohol Testing and Medical Testing
Atlanta Independent School System
The buyer is seeking qualified vendors to provide drug and alcohol testing and medical testing services. The project involves conducting tests for employees and students, managing specimen collection, and maintaining secure reporting systems. The buyer requires both urine and hair follicle drug testing options, as well as breath alcohol testing services. The successful vendor will also need to provide medical review officer services and offer training programs on drug and alcohol awareness.
- 12/18/2024 - Open Date
- 1/7/2025 - Pre-Proposal Meeting
- 1/9/2025 - Questions Due Date
- 1/21/2025 - Proposal Due Date
- Conduct drug and alcohol testing for employees and students
- Perform medical testing services
- Provide on-site collection services at various APS locations
- Manage chain of custody procedures for all specimens
- Offer both urine and hair follicle drug testing options
- Conduct breath alcohol testing using evidential breath testing devices
- Provide medical review officer (MRO) services
- Maintain secure electronic reporting system for test results
- Offer training programs on drug and alcohol awareness
- Provide expert testimony in legal proceedings if required
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