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Multilingual Learner Program Data Management and Instruction Platform
Chesterfield, South Carolina
Chesterfield County School District
The buyer is seeking a Multilingual Learner Program Data Management and Instruction Platform. The system will assist in creating and managing federally mandated paperwork, provide resources for educators, and track student data. The buyer requires a customizable, secure platform that can generate reports, translate documents, and retain historical records. The contract will be for one year with the option to renew for four additional years.
- 12/13/2024 - Deadline for Questions
- 12/17/2024 - Responses to Questions
- 1/21/2025 - Proposal Due Date
- 2/11/2025 - Award Posted
- Minimum of five years experience providing similar services to school districts or municipal governments
- Develop online data management system for Multilingual Learner Program paperwork
- Create Individualized Language Acquisition Plans for Multilingual Learners
- Generate and translate Parent Notification letters
- Provide content library of resources aligned to best practices for MLs
- Retain and transfer historical records for all ML data within South Carolina districts
- Implement secure user access and data privacy measures
- Deliver professional development webinars for classroom teachers and MLP specialists
- Develop customizable data dashboard for various user levels
- Generate reports for federal reporting requirements
- Provide technical support and system training
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