This RFP is currently open for proposals.
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Construction Management Services for City Hall and Fire Department Expansion

$12,000,000.00 to $14,000,000.00
Gatlinburg, Tennessee

City of Gatlinburg

The buyer is seeking a Construction Manager at Risk for the expansion and renovation of Gatlinburg City Hall and Fire Department. The project includes approximately 24,800 square feet of new construction and 9,200 square feet of renovation. The three-story addition will connect to the existing buildings and provide various facilities. The project also involves site work and exterior material upgrades. The buyer requires preconstruction and construction phase services with a guaranteed maximum price.

  • 1/7/2025 - Pre-RFQ Site Walk-thru
  • 1/10/2025 - Deadline for RFQ questions
  • 1/14/2025 - RFQ Questions Answered
  • 1/21/2025 - Proposal Due Date
  • 2/4/2025 - Selection Date
Refer to RFP
  • Develop initial cost estimate and provide continuous cost management
  • Participate in design development and provide constructability reviews
  • Provide construction planning, phasing, and scheduling
  • Develop and maintain project schedule
  • Provide quality assurance
  • Bring design-assist trade subcontractors into design phase
  • Provide cost estimating and value engineering
  • Prequalify trade contractors
  • Develop Trade Contractor Bid Packages
  • Submit a Guaranteed Maximum Price proposal

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