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ADA Transition Plan for City of La Vergne
La Vergne, Tennessee
City of La Vergne
The buyer seeks a professional consultant engineering firm to prepare an ADA Transition Plan and conduct a self-evaluation. The project aims to bring the city into compliance with TDOT's ADA requirements. The consultant will assess all city buildings, rights-of-way, accessways, and properties. The scope includes preparing necessary documentation, attending meetings, and ensuring TDOT acceptance of the final plan.
- 12/31/2024 - Last Day for Questions
- 1/21/2025 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
- Prepare ADA Transition Plan Self-Certification for TDOT submittal
- Draft comprehensive ADA Transition Plan for city review
- Conduct self-evaluation of city facilities, rights-of-way, and properties
- Prepare Self-Certification Status Update for TDOT
- Attend bi-weekly digital coordination meetings
- Participate in public meetings to present ADA Transition Plan results
- Ensure compliance with TDOT ADA requirements
- Review city programs, procedures, and policies for ADA compliance
- Develop implementation schedule and cost projections for ADA improvements
- Create prioritization system for ADA facility upgrades
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