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Defense Nuclear Weapons School Student Information System

Albuquerque, NM

Defense Threat Reduction Agency

The buyer seeks to acquire a new student information system to replace a legacy system for the Defense Nuclear Weapons School. The system will manage registrar functions, course listings, enrollments, and student credits. It will be used by the registrar, course managers, students, and the greater Defense Threat Reduction Agency. The buyer requires a reliable, user-friendly system with comprehensive features for military school operations.

  • 1/21/2025 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
  • Develop a professional, user-friendly interface for Registrar, customers, and students
  • Implement reliable student services and data collection
  • Integrate with Learning Management Systems (Blackboard, Canvas, JKO)
  • Provide data reporting and export to Excel functionality
  • Implement course wait list management and academic alerts
  • Create student profiles with unique identifiers, not SSN
  • Develop course catalog with descriptions and registration requirements
  • Enable access to transcripts including download and print options
  • Implement classroom reservation and calendar view features
  • Develop faculty portal for class management and communication

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