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Gambling, Health, and Recreational Behaviors Study

New York

New York State Office of Addiction Services and Supports

The buyer is seeking a contractor to conduct a comprehensive study on gambling, health, and recreational behaviors among non-institutionalized adults in New York State over a 10-year period. The study involves biennial surveys, qualitative data collection, and analysis to understand gambling trends, problem gambling prevalence, and community awareness. The results will inform the buyer's planning and implementation of problem gambling services and supports across the state.

  • 11/18/2024 - RFP Release Date
  • 12/11/2024 - Deadline for Submission of Written Inquiries
  • 1/21/2025 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
  • Conduct biennial survey of non-institutionalized adults over 10 years
  • Analyze and provide statistically valid estimates from survey data
  • Collect qualitative data on contextual issues related to gambling behavior
  • Monitor trends in attitudes and behaviors towards gambling
  • Assess prevalence of problem gambling and gambling disorder in higher risk populations
  • Evaluate community awareness of problem gambling behaviors and available services
  • Produce written documents and reports on survey findings
  • Assist OASAS in planning and implementing problem gambling services
  • Develop understanding of gambling trends among NYS adults
  • Provide data to support statewide and community-level gambling support initiatives

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