This RFP is currently open for proposals.
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General Planning Consultant Services for Port Everglades
Broward County, Florida
Broward County Florida
The buyer is seeking general planning consultant services for Port Everglades. This is a three-year initial contract with two one-year renewal options. The project involves strategic planning, feasibility studies, and operational improvements for the port. The buyer has set a 25% CBE goal participation for this project. This RFP is currently in draft form and subject to changes.
- 1/14/2025 - Open Date
- 1/22/2025 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
- Develop strategic plans for Port Everglades
- Conduct feasibility studies for port expansion projects
- Analyze port operations and recommend efficiency improvements
- Create environmental impact assessments for port activities
- Design infrastructure upgrades for port facilities
- Prepare economic forecasts for port business development
- Develop master plans for land use and facility optimization
- Assess and plan for cybersecurity needs of port operations
- Conduct traffic flow studies and propose logistical improvements
- Evaluate and recommend emerging technologies for port modernization
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