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Business Services for the Pennsylvania CareerLink Berks County
$630,000.00 including $100,000.00 for Incumbent Worker Training
Reading, Pennsylvania
County of Berks
The buyer is seeking a results-oriented organization to provide Business Services in partnership with the PA CareerLink Berks County. The selected vendor will assist businesses with current and future workforce development needs. Services include employer consultations, job postings, training opportunities, labor market intelligence, and organizing employer events. The vendor will work closely with PA CareerLink staff to fulfill business workforce needs.
- 12/5/2024 - Pre-Proposal Conference
- 1/8/2025 - Cutoff for Submission of Written Questions
- 1/22/2025 - Proposal Due Date
- 7/1/2025 - Commencement of Work
- Experience providing workforce services
- Ability to meet performance goals and measures
- Capacity to execute services within proposed schedule
- Experience coordinating services with One Stops
- Provide individual consultations with employers on workforce needs
- Act as liaison for business community referrals to PA CareerLink services
- Generate and share real-time labor market intelligence
- Promote and administer employer-based training activities
- Conduct employer outreach and recruitment activities
- Provide WorkKeys profiling services
- Develop On-the-Job Training and Incumbent Worker Training opportunities
- Organize job fairs and employer events
- Provide market intelligence reports and employer briefings
- Generate program income through employer services
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