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Professional Architectural and Engineering Services for Restroom Renovations and Building Accessibility Improvements
County of Monmouth
The buyer is seeking professional architectural and engineering services for restroom renovations and building accessibility improvements at the Hall of Records Annex. The project includes developing schematic drawings through final construction documents for renovations to multiple-occupancy restrooms. It also involves accessibility and egress/life safety code compliance reviews, reports, and designs for various building elements. The buyer aims to improve accessible paths throughout the building and modify restroom facilities for full code and ADA compliance.
- 1/22/2025 - Proposal Due Date
- Develop schematic drawings through final construction documents for restroom renovations
- Conduct accessibility and egress/life safety code compliance reviews
- Prepare reports and designs for building accessibility improvements
- Provide Construction Administrative Services and Post Construction Administration Services
- Design modifications for main interior stair guardrails and handrails
- Review and design modifications for existing fire escape
- Investigate structural integrity of fire escape
- Review and design modifications for interior path between buildings
- Address insufficient hot water issue
- Prepare egress plans for entire Hall of Records Annex building
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