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Virtual Education Consortium Facilitation
Department of Education and Early Development
The buyer is seeking a vendor to provide facilitation and coordination support for the development and implementation of a Virtual Learning Consortium. This initiative aims to meet the requirements of the Reads Act and address current district needs in delivering virtual content. The project involves strategic planning, research, communication management, and collaboration with various stakeholders in the education sector.
- 1/10/2025 - Pre-Proposal Questions Due
- 1/22/2025 - Proposal Due Date
- 2/7/2025 - Contract Issued
- 3 years experience facilitating statewide workgroups, board meetings, or committee convenings
- 2 years experience supporting school districts, education agencies, or universities in project planning, strategic planning, or facilitation support
- Facilitate and coordinate development of Virtual Learning Consortium
- Conduct strategic planning sessions with DEED
- Support implementation of strategic plan
- Assist with technical assistance and support needs
- Manage communications and develop communication plan
- Research other State Education Agency programs
- Facilitate connections between DEED and other SEAs
- Collaborate on developing handbook/guidebook
- Assist in refining Alaska Reads Act Website
- Analyze data and assist with annual report writing
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