This RFP is currently open for proposals.
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Medicaid/School Health and Related Services (SHARS)
Fort Bend, TX
Fort Bend Independent School District
The buyer is seeking proposals for qualified vendors to provide a solution for Medicaid/SHARS billing services. These services are for Medicaid-eligible students in Texas school districts. The buyer requires a comprehensive system to manage and process claims for school health and related services. The solution should ensure compliance with Texas Medicaid regulations and facilitate efficient billing and reimbursement processes.
- 1/8/2025 - Pre-Proposal Meeting
- 1/17/2025 - Questions Due Date
- 1/22/2025 - Intent to Bid Due Date
- 1/22/2025 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
- Provide Medicaid/SHARS billing services for school district
- Implement solution for managing Medicaid-eligible student services
- Process claims for school health and related services
- Ensure compliance with Texas Medicaid regulations for schools
- Generate reports on SHARS billing and reimbursements
- Assist in identifying Medicaid-eligible students and services
- Provide training on SHARS documentation and billing procedures
- Conduct regular audits of SHARS claims and documentation
- Manage appeals process for denied SHARS claims
- Integrate billing solution with existing school information systems
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