This RFP is currently open for proposals.
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Asset Management System

Marana, Arizona

Town of Marana

The buyer is seeking proposals for a hosted customizable asset management software system. The system will service Parks and Recreation, Public Works, Water and Wastewater departments, along with all related divisions. The buyer requires implementation, training, and technical support for the software. The system should be tailored to meet the specific needs of the Town's various departments.

  • 12/4/2024 - RFP Publish Date
  • 1/22/2025 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
  • Provide hosted customizable asset management software
  • Implement asset management system
  • Conduct training for Town staff
  • Provide technical support
  • Customize software for Parks and Recreation department
  • Customize software for Public Works department
  • Customize software for Water and Wastewater divisions
  • Ensure software compatibility with existing Town systems
  • Develop user manuals and documentation
  • Assist with data migration and integration

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