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Observed Biological Specimen Collection for Drug Testing and Laboratory Confirmation Reporting Services
Los Angeles, California
County of Los Angeles Probation Department
The buyer is seeking a contractor to provide observed biological specimen collection for drug testing and laboratory confirmation reporting services. The contractor will supply staff, equipment, and supplies for specimen collection at specified locations. They will also provide access to a web-based drug testing information management system and interface with existing buyer systems. The contract term is for five years with potential extensions.
- 12/2/2024 - RFP Release Date
- 1/23/2025 - Proposal Due Date
- Two years experience administering Federal, State, County or City contracts within past three years
- Certified by U.S. Department of Health & Human Services SAMHSA
- Three years experience deploying drug testing management applications for five separate clients
- Administrative business office located within or adjacent to Los Angeles County
- Provide observed biological specimen collection for drug testing
- Provide laboratory confirmation reporting services
- Supply drug testing supplies and equipment
- Provide access to a web-based Drug Testing Information Management System
- Interface with existing Department systems to deliver drug testing information
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