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Evidence-Based Wellness Services
Macon, GA
Middle Georgia Regional Commission
The buyer is seeking proposals for Evidence-Based Wellness Services for older adults in 11 counties. Services include chronic disease management, fall prevention, and health promotion programs. The buyer aims to assist older persons in maintaining health, managing chronic conditions, and promoting healthy lifestyles. The selected provider(s) will be required to collect data, report services, and interface with the Area Agency on Aging.
- 12/20/2024 - Letter of Intent Due
- 1/6/2025 - Deadline for Written Questions
- 1/8/2025 - UCM Training (Optional)
- 1/13/2025 - Responses to Written Questions Sent
- 1/23/2025 - Proposal Due Date
- 7/1/2025 - Service Begin Date
- Minimum of three years experience providing similar services
- Current business and operating licenses
- Proof of bonding and insurance coverage
- Provide Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (CDSMP)
- Implement Matter of Balance (MOB) program
- Offer Tai Chi classes
- Conduct Bingocize sessions
- Deliver Aging Mastery Program
- Provide Diabetes Self-Management Program (DSMP)
- Collect and report Evidence-Based Wellness Services data
- Recruit and train volunteers as Master Trainers, Lay Leaders, Coaches
- Develop individualized service plans for clients
- Conduct outreach to minorities and isolated individuals
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