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BCFH SFY25 Infant Hearing Deaf Mentor and Snapshot Program
Ohio Department of Health
The buyer seeks to increase communication options for families in Ohio with deaf or hard of hearing children. The project aims to connect families with deaf and hard of hearing adults, provide American Sign Language training, and implement a Snapshot and Deaf Mentor Program. The buyer requires the development of a comprehensive plan, including intake processes, data tracking, and program evaluation. The project also involves coordinating training, conducting outreach, and providing services to families until the child's third birthday.
- 1/3/2025 - Solicitation Posting Date
- 1/16/2025 - End Inquiry Date
- 1/23/2025 - Proposal Due Date
- 3/1/2025 - Project Start Date
- 6/30/2025 - Project End Date
- Ohio-based organization with 3+ years experience working with families of children with hearing loss
- 3+ years experience developing culturally competent outreach materials
- Received SKI-HI Snapshots and/or SKI-HI Deaf Mentor training
- 3+ years experience in family engagement initiatives for deaf/hard of hearing children
- Develop and implement Snapshot and Deaf Mentor Program
- Create intake process and data tracking system
- Provide SKI-HI trained Deaf Mentor and Snapshot services
- Coordinate SKI-HI training for providers
- Conduct outreach and education on deaf community needs
- Implement social media marketing plan
- Host annual SKI-HI training to increase provider numbers
- Develop culturally competent outreach materials
- Monitor language acquisition outcomes of families served
- Coordinate auxiliary community activities for families
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