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Mental Health Peer Specialist Services

$2,500,000 annually over five years
Portland, OR

Multnomah County Health Department

The buyer is seeking to qualify agencies to provide peer services, peer training, peer-led education and technical assistance for youth, families, and adult peers. Services include culturally specific peer support, consumer leadership development, peer specialist training, peer-led education courses, and peer brokerage services. The buyer aims to improve behavioral health service delivery by ensuring peer voice is present and reflective of the population receiving services.

  • 1/7/2025 - Pre-proposal conference
  • 1/24/2025 - Proposal Due Date
  • Must be legal entities registered to do business in Oregon
  • Must meet all insurance requirements
  • Must complete a Pre-Award Risk Assessment
  • Provide culturally specific peer support services for wraparound care coordination
  • Deliver consumer leadership development and technical assistance
  • Conduct peer support specialist and peer wellness specialist training
  • Offer peer-led education courses
  • Provide peer support specialists for various programs
  • Deliver peer brokerage services

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