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KEHP Health Insurance-Transparency Services
Frankfort, Kentucky
Commonwealth of Kentucky
The buyer is seeking a vendor to provide medical care and provider cost transparency services for the Kentucky Employees' Health Plan (KEHP). The vendor will provide tools for KEHP members to compare costs and quality of healthcare providers. The vendor will administer an incentive program for members who choose cost-effective providers. The services will start January 1, 2026 and include reporting, customer support, and program communications.
- 1/10/2025 - Vendors' Written Questions Due
- 1/16/2025 - Commonwealth's Response to Questions
- 1/27/2025 - Proposal Due Date
- Minimum 3 years experience providing transparency services
- Experience with 2 large employer groups (30,000+ employees)
- Experience with multi-employer plan and public employer client
- Provide medical care and provider cost transparency tools for KEHP members
- Administer incentive program for members choosing cost-effective providers
- Track member healthcare choices based on claims data
- Provide cost and quality comparison information for healthcare providers
- Allow members to search for cost-effective health care options
- Pay incentives directly to members for choosing cost-effective providers
- Provide reporting on program utilization and savings
- Integrate with existing eligibility and claims systems
- Provide customer support for members and KEHP staff
- Develop and distribute program communications
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