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Employee Benefits Consultant

Cleveland, Ohio

The Metrohealth System

Buyer seeks an insurance brokerage firm to provide Employee Health, Life, Disability, Voluntary Benefits, FMLA Administration, Brokerage and Consulting Services. The firm will also provide Total Rewards Communication support. Services include benefit design, compliance, cost containment, data analysis, vendor negotiations, and implementation support. Buyer desires a long-term relationship with a consultant providing high-quality, value-added services.

  • 1/6/2025 - CSP Opens
  • 1/7/2025 - Q&A Opens
  • 1/15/2025 - Q&A Closes
  • 1/27/2025 - Proposal Due Date
  • 1/1/2026 - Services Begin
  • Licensed to do business in all states
  • Expertise and licenses to provide Life/Disability/Voluntary Benefits services
  • Sufficient staffing to provide timely service
  • Staff qualified to provide specialized technical expertise
  • Provide advisory and broker services for benefit design and compliance
  • Conduct CSP processes for health and welfare plan administrators
  • Provide ongoing monitoring and reporting of vendor and plan performance
  • Assist with union negotiations and plan premium development
  • Provide Open Enrollment support including on-site enrollers
  • Develop employee communications and Total Rewards statements
  • Implement call center and total rewards statement software
  • Provide FMLA/Disability leave administration services
  • Conduct periodic plan reviews and vendor assessments
  • Provide innovative ideas and recommendations for new products/programs

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