This RFP is currently open for proposals.
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Managed Security Operations Center (SOC)
University Park, IL
Governors State University
The buyer is seeking proposals for a Managed Security Operations Center to provide 24/7/365 security monitoring and incident response services. The buyer requires managed detection and response, SIEM management, threat analysis, vulnerability scanning, and network enumeration. The services must be compatible with the buyer's existing IT infrastructure. The contract has an initial 24-month term with potential for renewal.
- 1/16/2025 - Pre-Submission Conference
- 1/28/2025 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
- Provide 24/7/365 managed detection and response services
- Monitor and identify logs and network traffic for security incidents
- Manage SIEM functionality including environment-specific tuning and rule development
- Analyze and investigate potential threats
- Deliver alerts to university security staff
- Consult on threat remediation
- Perform internal vulnerability scanning and reporting
- Conduct routine network enumeration
- Provide customer visibility through dashboards/SIEM console
- Ensure compatibility with existing university infrastructure
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