This RFP is currently open for proposals.
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Program Manager Consulting Services
New Jersey
North Jersey Municipal Employee Benefits Fund
The buyer is seeking a Program Manager Consultant to provide services related to employee benefits. The consultant will analyze trends, advise on plan design, prepare specifications, evaluate providers, assist with claims, and coordinate communications. The buyer requires expertise in health insurance matters to support its member local units.
- 1/28/2025 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
- Prepare reports on employee benefits trends and claims data analysis
- Advise subcommittees on plan design, wellness strategies, and cost containment
- Prepare specifications for health insurance services and secure providers
- Evaluate service providers' compliance with specifications
- Conduct field visits to member local units
- Resolve coverage, claims, and service questions
- Assist with claim appeal resolutions
- Coordinate preparation of plan documents and employee communications
- Advise on plan design changes and coordinate document revisions
- Develop relative values for plan design change requests
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