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Professional Engineering Services for Traffic Signal Intersection Improvements Project

Morris County, New Jersey

County of Morris

The buyer is soliciting proposals from qualified firms to provide Engineering Design Services for an intersection improvement project. The project includes installing a traffic signal with pedestrian features and improving traffic flow at the intersection of Whippany Road and Ford Hill Road. The scope extends to nearby unsignalized intersections and includes recommendations for roadway improvements. The buyer requires a Professional Engineer licensed in New Jersey to complete the design work.

  • 1/29/2025 - RFP Available
  • 2/11/2025 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
  • Conduct existing conditions analysis of travel patterns and crash history
  • Design traffic signal installation with pedestrian features
  • Improve traffic flow and pedestrian traffic
  • Provide recommendations for roadway striping, lane configuration, crosswalks, and signage
  • Prepare engineering design documents and specifications

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