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Environmental Public Outreach - Project No. ST243 Euclid Ave. Bridge

Chino, California

City of Chino

The buyer is seeking proposals for environmental public outreach services for the Euclid Avenue Bridge Project. The scope includes public outreach for the CEQA Environmental Impact Report, design phase, and potentially the construction phase. The consultant will develop communication materials, host community engagement activities, and assist with public meetings. The project involves improving a major north-south route connecting multiple cities and counties.

  • 2/6/2025 - Questions Due Date
  • 2/20/2025 - Proposal Due Date
  • 4/15/2025 - City Council Award Date (Tentative)
  • Minimum of 5 years experience in similar public outreach services
  • Develop stakeholder database for mailing lists and notifications
  • Facilitate 8-12 stakeholder/community engagement activities
  • Develop key messaging and collateral materials in multiple languages
  • Create and host project website
  • Assist with scheduling and hosting public meetings for EIR process
  • Provide construction updates and notifications during project implementation
  • Conduct video/drone footage documentation of construction progress

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