This RFP is currently open for proposals.
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City of Green Public Art Plan

$25,000 - $35,000
Green, Ohio

City of Green

The buyer seeks to develop a comprehensive Public Art Plan that reflects community values and enhances public spaces. The plan will establish a cohesive vision for integrating public art into the city's cultural and civic life. It should address economic, sustainability, and placemaking goals while focusing on inclusivity and community engagement. The selected firm will work with city officials, stakeholders, and local artists to shape the public art landscape for the next 5-15 years.

  • 1/6/2025 - RFP Issue Date
  • 2/3/2025 - Deadline to Submit Questions
  • 2/10/2025 - Deadline to Receive Responses to Questions
  • 2/20/2025 - Proposal Due Date
  • 4/30/2025 - Finalist Selection and Interviews
  • 5/31/2025 - Consultant Selection and Notification
  • 6/30/2025 - Project Kick-Off
  • 6/30/2026 - Expected Project Completion
Refer to RFP
  • Conduct community outreach to gather input from diverse groups
  • Assess existing public art installations and cultural assets
  • Develop a public art vision with core values and long-term objectives
  • Identify potential sites for new public art installations
  • Create a funding strategy including public, private, and grant opportunities
  • Draft policies for design approval, installation, and maintenance of public art
  • Establish criteria for artist selection and artwork approval
  • Provide a phased implementation plan with timeline and estimated costs
  • Develop strategies to integrate public art with economic and sustainability goals
  • Design frameworks for ongoing community engagement and artist selection

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