This RFP is currently open for proposals.
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Downtown Albany Strategy
Albany, New York
Empire State Development
The buyer is seeking a consultant to develop a plan for downtown Albany over a 12-month period. The consultant will work with stakeholders to craft implementable policy solutions and identify key opportunities. The plan will focus on business development, public safety, housing affordability, and community assets. The buyer aims to create a vision to guide decision-making and define coordinated actions for successful implementation of recommendations.
- 1/31/2025 - Deadline for Submission of Questions
- 2/7/2025 - Deadline for ESD to Respond to Questions
- 2/20/2025 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
- Develop action-oriented downtown revitalization strategies
- Conduct economic development policy and strategy development
- Devise community revitalization and public safety strategies
- Perform business attraction expertise and market analyses
- Create placemaking strategies
- Develop downtown parking strategies
- Conduct public engagement and stakeholder outreach
- Analyze real estate development and finance opportunities
- Identify conversion options for vacant sites into housing and mixed-use
- Develop implementable policy solutions and key opportunities
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