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Forensic Auditing Services
Newburgh, NY
Newburgh Enlarged City School District
The buyer is seeking proposals from Independent Certified Public Accountant Firms or Individuals to conduct Forensic Auditing Services. The audit will cover various financial areas including capital projects, grants, funds, and contracts. The selected firm will need to meet with district officials and provide a comprehensive audit report. The contract will be for six months with potential extensions.
- 2/6/2025 - RFP Mailing Date
- 2/11/2025 - Deadline for Questions
- 2/20/2025 - Proposal Due Date
- 2/25/2025 - Potential Interview Date
- 2/25/2025 - Board Approval Date
- 2/26/2025 - Effective Award Date
- Experience auditing public school districts
- Ability to provide forensic audit of specified areas
- Ability to meet with Board of Education and administration
- Conduct forensic audit of capital projects and billables
- Audit Proposition 5 (Voter Approved in 2019)
- Examine energy performance contracts
- Review all grants and general fund
- Analyze special aid fund and all transfers
- Audit claims auditor reports and treasurer reports
- Examine school lunch fund and check register
- Review scholarship fund and Medicaid reimbursement
- Meet with Board of Education and administration
- Provide comprehensive audit report with findings and recommendations
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