This RFP is currently open for proposals.
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Recreation and Enrichment Programs

Somerset, NJ

Township of Franklin, County of Somerset

The buyer is seeking proposals for recreational and enrichment programs for youth, teens, adults and senior citizens. The buyer will award contracts to multiple contractors to offer a variety of programs throughout the year. Programs may include sports, science, chess, exercise, summer camps, technology, cultural arts, community safety, and other unique offerings. The contractor will be responsible for program design, staffing, equipment, and coordination with the buyer's recreation department.

  • 1/30/2025 - Release of RFP
  • 2/20/2025 - Proposal Due Date
  • 3/31/2025 - Evaluation Completed
  • 3/31/2025 - Governing Body Action
  • 3/31/2025 - Contract Execution and Project Initiation
Refer to RFP
  • Provide recreational and enrichment programs for youth, teens, adults and seniors
  • Recommend program schedules
  • Advertise and market programs
  • Provide staff for supervision and instruction
  • Provide equipment and supplies
  • Take attendance and provide absentee reports
  • Coordinate with department liaison on program issues
  • Notify participants of any program changes
  • Provide make-up sessions or refunds as needed
  • Conduct background checks on staff

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