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Professional Multi-Disciplinary Planning Consulting Services

Eloy, Arizona

City of Eloy

Buyer seeks professional multi-disciplinary planning consulting services to develop an Airpark Specific Area/Master Plan. The plan will establish vision, goals, policies, and implementation tasks for the greater area around Eloy Airport. It aims to create a comprehensive mix of uses supporting employment and enhancing airport operations while providing a financially self-sustaining economic hub. The project will run concurrently with the General Plan update, focusing on specific area planning.

  • 1/9/2025 - 1st Publication
  • 1/16/2025 - 2nd Publication
  • 2/21/2025 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
  • Develop Airpark Specific Area/Master Plan
  • Create public participation plan and implement engagement strategies
  • Assess existing conditions and define plan boundaries
  • Develop goals, policies, plans, and maps for various elements
  • Provide economic forecasts, feasibility studies, and impact analyses
  • Create implementation plan with timelines and responsibilities

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