This RFP is currently open for proposals.
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Decentralized Autonomous Organization Registry
Concord, New Hampshire
New Hampshire Secretary of State
The buyer seeks to establish and administer a New Hampshire DAO Registry as defined in the NH Decentralized Autonomous Organization Act. The registry must be blockchain-based, provide legal recognition for DAOs, and promote compliance and transparency. The system should allow for registration, renewal, and deregistration of DAOs. The buyer requires a secure, efficient, and scalable solution with full public transparency.
- 1/28/2025 - RFP Inquiry Period Ends
- 1/31/2025 - Final Agency Responses to Inquiries
- 2/21/2025 - Proposal Due Date
- 3/21/2025 - Anticipated Notification of Award
Refer to RFP
- Develop blockchain-native DAO registry platform compliant with RSA 301-B
- Implement USD-backed stablecoin payment system
- Create public transparency features for DAO registration information
- Design intuitive user interface for DAO operators and state officials
- Provide ongoing maintenance and support services post-deployment
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