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Transit Infrastructure Fund (TIF) StoryMap Consultant
Cincinnati, OH
Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority
The buyer seeks a consultant to create a Transit Infrastructure Fund StoryMap over a three-year contract period. The project involves developing an interactive ArcGIS StoryMap to enhance communication of the TIF program and provide an online resource for public access to program information. The consultant will gather requirements, develop the StoryMap, conduct testing, and provide ongoing support and updates.
- 1/27/2025 - Pre-Proposal Meeting
- 2/6/2025 - Deadline to Submit Questions
- 2/12/2025 - Addendum/Response to Questions
- 2/21/2025 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
- Define and implement project objectives with Metro
- Develop web-based Interactive Data Dashboard using ArcGIS StoryMap
- Collect testimonials from Metro TIF project jurisdiction officials
- Create clickable maps for exploring grant project details
- Integrate multimedia elements like photos, videos, and data visualizations
- Conduct testing across multiple devices and web browsers
- Provide ongoing support and updates for 3 years
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