This RFP is currently open for proposals.
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Marketing, Branding, Campaign Development & Digital Marketing Services

$550,000, $750,000, and $900,000
La Quinta, CA

City of La Quinta

The buyer seeks proposals from qualified marketing agencies to develop and execute a comprehensive brand development, marketing, and advertising strategy. The ideal campaign will be modern, exciting, and tasteful, reflecting contemporary trends and capturing the essence of La Quinta's unique character. The buyer is looking for innovative ideas that push creative boundaries while maintaining the City's values and high quality of life.

  • 1/27/2025 - Release of RFP
  • 2/11/2025 - Deadline for Questions
  • 2/24/2025 - Proposal Due Date
  • 3/24/2025 - Interview for Finalists
  • 4/7/2025 - Award of Contract
  • 6/1/2025 - Targeted contract commencement
Refer to RFP
  • Develop comprehensive advertising/marketing campaigns
  • Build diversified media program reaching target audiences
  • Enhance and refine existing brand standards
  • Create high-quality graphic designs adhering to brand standards
  • Execute economic development marketing campaign
  • Produce public relations materials and engage community
  • Provide high-quality photography and videography services
  • Manage digital advertising campaigns across platforms
  • Maintain and optimize City's tourism website
  • Develop and produce annual tourism guide

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