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As-Needed Community Outreach and Media Services
San Francisco, CA
San Francisco Department of Public Health
The buyer seeks to establish a pre-qualified pool of vendors for as-needed community outreach and media services. Services include electronic outreach, print materials, on-the-ground outreach, media relations, and focus groups. The buyer aims to serve all San Francisco residents with a focus on disadvantaged communities. Vendors must demonstrate deep community ties and relevant subject matter expertise.
- 1/24/2025 - RFQ Issued
- 1/24/2025 - Email Questions Begin
- 2/10/2025 - Email Questions End
- 2/24/2025 - Proposal Due Date
- 2/28/2025 - Estimated Evaluation Completion
- 3/31/2025 - Estimated Notice of Placement
- Deep community ties in disadvantaged San Francisco neighborhoods
- Subject matter expertise in areas like behavioral health, public health, homelessness
- Develop e-newsletters, websites, blogs, and social media content
- Create and distribute print materials like posters, advertisements, and signage
- Conduct on-the-ground outreach at community events and meetings
- Develop marketing campaigns and advertisements for TV, radio, and billboards
- Facilitate focus groups and conduct assessments for culturally appropriate messaging
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