This RFP is currently open for proposals.
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Garage Property Conceptual Design
Poultney, Vermont
Town of Poultney
The buyer is seeking proposals for conceptual designs to reimagine the existing Town Garage property as a new outdoor recreation hub. The project aims to create 2-3 redevelopment scenarios with conceptual architectural renderings for a 4-acre site. The buyer wants to establish a resilient local economy based on outdoor recreation assets. The project evolved from previous community planning efforts and aims to connect the village to trail networks and support visitorship.
- 2/10/2025 - Questions Due
- 2/14/2025 - Answers Posted
- 2/24/2025 - Proposal Due Date
- 2/28/2025 - Consultant Selection
Refer to RFP
- Conduct kickoff meeting with Town to Trails Steering Committee
- Review previous studies and reports
- Conduct site visit to project property and nearby areas
- Prepare base map of existing conditions
- Create 2-3 conceptual design plans with unique programmatic elements
- Provide recommendations for site improvement implementation and next steps
- Present redevelopment concepts to Town of Poultney Selectboard
- Deliver project location base map and PDF files of conceptual designs
- Produce presentation materials and display boards
- Analyze site conditions for opportunities and constraints
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