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Renewable Identification Number (RIN) Generation Program for Renewable Natural Gas Use in Arlington Transit Heavy-Duty Bus Fleet

Arlington, Virginia

Arlington County, Virginia

The buyer seeks a contractor to provide a Renewable Identification Number (RIN) generation program for Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) use in its Arlington Transit (ART) heavy-duty bus fleet. The contractor will supply RNG to meet 100% of ART's annual natural gas fueling requirements and manage RIN D3 credit generation and sales. The program aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while maintaining operational reliability and cost-efficiency for the ART fleet of 78 CNG-powered buses.

  • 2/4/2025 - Optional Pre-Proposal Conference
  • 2/14/2025 - Question Deadline
  • 2/25/2025 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
  • Provide RNG to meet 100% of ART's annual natural gas fueling requirements
  • Register ART's CNG fueling station with EPA to qualify for RIN D3 credits
  • Manage reporting, documentation, and compliance for RIN credit generation and sale
  • Provide monthly reports on RNG supplied, RIN credits generated, and market value
  • Ensure compliance with federal, state, and local regulations including RFS requirements
  • Provide ongoing consulting to optimize the RNG program and maximize benefits
  • Respond within 5 business days to issues with RNG supply or credit management
  • Provide updates on market conditions affecting RNG and RIN values

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