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Development of a Business Resource Guide

Bakersfield, CA

City of Bakersfield

The buyer is seeking a qualified professional or team to create a Business Resource Guide for entrepreneurs and small businesses throughout Bakersfield and Kern County. The guide will provide information on various business solutions to help start, grow, build, and expand businesses. The project aims to foster economic growth and business development within the county, supporting and empowering entrepreneurs. The contractor will be responsible for research, content creation, design, translation, printing, and distribution of the guide.

  • 1/24/2025 - Distribution of RFP
  • 2/25/2025 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
  • Research and compile relevant resources for entrepreneurs
  • Create comprehensive resource booklet in print and digital formats
  • Develop distribution plan to reach entrepreneurs across the county
  • Monitor distribution and gather feedback for potential future updates
  • Translate booklet into Spanish and Punjabi
  • Design layout and visual elements of the booklet
  • Identify distribution channels and develop distribution strategy
  • Plan launch event or promotional activities
  • Collect feedback from entrepreneurs on booklet access and content
  • Create final project report with outcomes and lessons learned

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