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Design Build Services for Pima County Tres Rios Wastewater Reclamation Facility Digester
Pima County
The buyer is seeking a Design-Builder for the Pima County Tres Rios Wastewater Reclamation Facility Digester project. The scope includes design and construction of a fully functional and easily maintainable Digester. The project will be completed in two phases: Design and Preconstruction Services, followed by Construction Services. The buyer will evaluate proposals based on qualifications and experience of the Design-Builder team, project approach, and understanding of Design-Build methodology.
- 2/5/2025 - Pre-Submittal Meeting
- 2/25/2025 - Proposal Due Date
- 3/31/2025 - Interviews
- 3/31/2025 - Notice of Intent to Negotiate
- 4/21/2025 - Notice of Recommendation for Award
- 5/20/2025 - Contract Award by Board of Supervisors
- Design and construct a fully functional, easily maintainable Digester at Tres Rios WRF
- Provide design and pre-construction services
- Develop and submit Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) proposal
- Coordinate with project stakeholders and utility companies
- Implement quality management and risk management plans
- Perform construction services upon GMP approval
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