This RFP is currently open for proposals.
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External Auditing Services
Yorktown Heights, NY
Putnam Northern Westchester BOCES
The buyer is seeking proposals for external auditing services for three of its component school districts. The contract is for one year with an option for four additional one-year renewals. The audit must be performed in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and government regulations. The auditor will be required to provide financial statements, a management letter, and present findings to the Board of Education.
- 1/24/2025 - RFP Issued
- 1/30/2025 - Questions Due
- 2/4/2025 - Answers Issued
- 2/25/2025 - Proposal Due Date
- Must be independent, qualified Certified Public Accountants
- Must have experience auditing school districts in New York State
- Must be properly licensed to practice in New York State
- Perform annual audit of financial statements
- Conduct tests of accounting records and other procedures
- Provide financial statements and Management Letter
- Present findings to Board of Education
- Perform preliminary audit work prior to fiscal year end
- Complete fieldwork between August 15th and August 27th
- Provide audit reports by September 15th
- Retain working papers for minimum of 6 years
- Issue 'consent and citation of expertise' if requested
- Provide information on changes in accounting principles or formats
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