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Research Addressing Equity
Columbia, South Carolina
South Carolina Department of Transportation
The buyer is seeking qualified researchers to provide research assistance focused on addressing equity in the South Carolina transportation system during planning stages. The objective is to assess current planning processes, identify best practices, determine communities needing attention, establish data sources, and develop equity metrics. The research aims to improve the inclusivity of transportation planning in South Carolina.
- 2/6/2025 - Questions Due
- 2/25/2025 - Proposal Due Date
- 3/24/2025 - Award Date
Refer to RFP
- Assess SCDOT's current planning stages regarding equity
- Identify best practices for including equity in transportation project planning
- Determine spatial distribution of communities needing equity attention
- Establish data sources and develop equity metrics
- Create methodology for calculating equity metrics in SCDOT's planning process
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