This RFP is currently open for proposals.
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Elco Dress Redevelopment Site
New Bedford, Massachusetts
City of New Bedford
Buyer is seeking proposals for the purchase and development of a 1.9+ acre former industrial site. The primary objective is to create living wage employment opportunities through sustainable adaptive reuse. Buyer aims to solidify its tax base and bring more jobs to the area. The development should benefit the surrounding community and align with neighborhood vision goals.
- 1/27/2025 - RFP Published
- 2/12/2025 - Question Submittal Deadline
- 2/19/2025 - Final Addendum Issued
- 2/26/2025 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
- Purchase and develop 1.9+ acre former Elco Dress facility site
- Create living wage employment opportunities
- Develop site in sustainable manner benefiting surrounding community
- Obtain required permits within 12 months of Development Agreement
- Begin construction within 12 months of Development Agreement
- Complete construction within 12 months of building permit issuance
- Obtain Certificate of Occupancy within 24 months of Development Agreement
- Implement stormwater management exceeding state and local requirements
- Achieve energy efficiency exceeding Massachusetts Stretch Energy Code
- Maintain clean and attractive appearance of development
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